& production methods
All pieces are designed, patterned and graded on our make-shift workbench (once-dining-room-table) in our home studio. Textiles are drawn and handmade/printed by Femtomic’s designer Jasmine O’Brien. Our machinist Kat constructs all the garments at her home in Rolleystone. We source all our fabric second-hand to minimize our contribution to global pollution from textiles. This also enables us to create unique garments with limited number. We have yet to collaborate on a design level but Femtomic loves to work with other artisans on creative projects. Fashion is a form of expression that should be accessible by all. We love to share the love!
I have always had a strong interest in fashion ever since I was a child; I used to tell everyone that one day I would be editor-in-chief of Vogue. But when I finished high school, I took the safe path of going to nursing school. Life has a funny way of putting you back on your path though and once I emerged from my muggle-cocoon as the gay butterfly I am, my creativity burst forth. I went to fashion school and that was it, I was in love. Femtomic grew within me, inspired by the strength of the women who had raised me and the woman I had become.
creative process
I am always picking up pieces of inspiration: paintings, politics, people, photos, furniture, music, theatre, dancing...My mind is filled with so many things that churn around, forming patterns and melding into one another until it settles on some skeletal feeling to ruminate on. I flesh out the ideas into something tangible, form mood boards and create my girl. Once I have her, she’s my muse; I design for her, form textiles, runways and photoshoots. I love the totality and theatre of it, the complete world in which she exists.
Femtomic was born amongst the reverberations of emotion turn expression. This is a non-linear story, a rewinding cassette that plays forwards. We are a box of fabric found on the side of the road, a stained tablecloth, your grandmother’s old curtains, a moth eaten blanket.
The world is full. Overflowing. Engorged with the waste of trend and time. Femtomic seeks to resurrect the unwanted, the unloved and the discarded. Our Ethos is to put your boots up on the desk and do your fucking best.
Say what you believe. Be kind. Be punk about it.

Jasmine O'Brien
Colour and Volume
Advanced Diploma of Applied Fashion Design and Merchandising,
South Metropolitan TAFE 2018
"I keep Vogue under my mattress and hoard fabric in my garage. All of my socks have holes in them"